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Membayar Kaffarah

Salam Ustaz / Ustazah.
Dapatkah saya membayar Kaffarah dengan cara mencicil dalam beberapa bulan?  Totalnya akan sama dengan membayar pada 60 orang yang membutuhkan.
Terima kasih.

wa `alaykum salam,
Kaffarah dapat dibayarkan selama bulan Ramadan atau setelahnya sesuai dengan kemampuan finansial seseorang.

Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago
Majlis #1 Head Imam (IABNA)

Kapankah Salat menjadi Wajib bagi Anak Perempuan?

Kaum wanita dalam keluarga suami saya kadang mencapai pubertas pada usia tujuh belas tahun sedangkan di sisi keluarga saya sekitar tiga belas tahun.  Kapankah salat diwajibkan pada anak perempuan sehubungan dengan menstruasi yang datangnya terlambat ini?
Terima kasih.

“Ajarkan anak-anakmu salat mulai umur 7 tahun dan jadikan wajib pada umur 10 tahun.” (Hadits)
Yang terbaik adalah meminta mereka untuk salat dan puasa pada usia sedini mungkin sebelum mereka mencapai masa pubertas, karena pahalanya akan diberikan kepada orang tuanya dan itu akan memudahkan mereka nantinya (ketika itu menjadi fardu bagi mereka), karena mereka telah terbiasa melakukannya.

Hajjah Faridah

Salat di Motor

Assalamu alaikum wa rahma tu llahi wa barakatuhu!
Sampai sekarang saya sering melakukan salat nafil dan sunnah ketika mengendarai sepeda motor.  Baru-baru ini seseorang menanyainya dan saya merasa ragu sejak saat itu dan tidak pernah melakukannya lagi.  Apakah ada ijtihad mengenai hal ini?
Jazakum Allahu Khairun.

wa `alaykum salam,
Ya, ada ijtihad mengenai hal itu.  Hanya salat yang mustahabb yang boleh dilakukan ketika seseorang sedang berjalan atau berkendara.  Dan Allah (swt) Maha Mengetahui.

Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago
Majlis #1 Head Imam (IABNA)

Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan mengenai Salat


AA WR WB: Saya berharap Anda dalam keadaan sehat dan iman yang tinggi Sidi,
1:  Sebagai seorang Syafi’i, saya ingin mengkonfirmasi apakah salat tahajud dapat dilakukan KAPAN saja setelah Isya, selama seseorang sudah tidur kemudian bangun untuk melakukan salat (bahkan sebelum tengah malam)?
2:  Ada yang mengatakan Fajar, ada yang mengatakan Subuh, apakah arti dan perbedaan di antara keduanya?
3: Saya/kami masih berusaha memahami waktu untuk salat Isya dan derajatnya, dan aturan 40 menit dan sebagainya.  Bagi saya yang termudah untuk melakukan salat Isya adalah sedini mungkin agar salat tahajudnya lebih mudah.  Beberapa orang mengatakan aturan 40 menit adalah ok, termasuk Anda sendiri.  Mohon klarifikasinya jika kita salat Isya 50 menit setelah adzan Maghrib, apakah ini sah dan dapat diterima?  Bahkan di Melbourne, Australia?  Dan apakah hal ini sah dan dapat diterima di mana pun tempatnya di Australia, atau secara umum?  Dapatkah Anda menjelaskan soal ini lebih jauh?  Dan jika langsung tidur setelah salat Isya dan membaca adzkar, lalu bangun pada jam tertentu, walaupun sebelum tengah malam, lalu salat tahajud, apakah ini juga sah dan dapat diterima?
4: Dapatkah Anda menunjukkan beberapa buku Fiqh Syafi’i yang tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris, di luar Reliance of Traveler & Maqasid, karena saya telah memilikinya.
Afwan Jazakullah Sidi. Barik Allahu fiq.

1. Ya, dalam Mazhab Syafi’i, salat tahajjud didefinisikan sebagai salat yang dilakukan setelah salat Isya dan tidur.  Bahkan sebelum tengah malam.
2.  Secara leksikal, Subuh merujuk pada waktu pagi hari, sedangkan Fajar menggambarkan waktu aktual fajar menyingsing; secara fiqh, Subuh dan Fajar adalah sinonim merujuk pada waktu tersebut dan salat pada waktu tersebut; secara Qur’an, istilah untuk  salatnya adalah Fajar, sementara Subuh lebih bermakna pagi hari.
3.  Menurut posisi terakhir dari Imam Syafi’i, hal itu dapat diterima secara umum.  Anda bisa melihat ke link berikut dan klik, “Calculation Method: Click here to change (metode kalkulasi, klik di sini untuk mengganti)” lalu klik, “Twilight Angle and Time Difference –> fajr” dan pilih “isha = 50 minutes after maghrib Time. (Isya =50 menit setelah waktu Maghrib)” Lalu klik, “Calculate prayer times (Perhitungan waktu salat)” dan Anda akan mendapat jadwal salat bulanan/tahunan dengan kriteria tersebut.
Sedangkan untuk keabsahan waktu tahajjud, jawabannya adalah ya,  sebagaimana yang telah dinyatakan sebelumnya, dan beberapa sumber bahkan secara spesifik mengakatan, “bahkan jika orang itu belum tidur.”
4. Matn Abi Syuja’ telah mendapat terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang dapat diandalkan. Lihat di sini dan sini.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

Adab Salat Naqsybandi

Dalam web Naqshbandi.org terdapat bagian yang memuat adab salat 5 waktu.  Saya berusia 17 tahun dan sibuk dengan belajar dll.  Saya ingin tahu apakah saya harus membaca semua bacaan yang indah itu sebelum dan setelah sunnah, fardu, dst… seperti  semua tasbih dan bacaan lainnya?  Untuk apakah itu?   Jasakallah

Wa alaikum as salaam,
Bacaan-bacaan ini bukanlah wajib tetapi dianjurkan untuk dibaca jika Anda ingin mengalami kemajuan yang pesat dalam jalur spiritual Anda.  Setiap bacaan sudah dipilihkan dengan sangat cermat dan jumlah pembacaannya pun mempunyai makna yang khusus.  Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui.

Yusuf Hussain

Eksim dan Salat

Putra saya menderita eksim (dermatitis) yang parah dan kulitnya sangat kering.  Wudu dapat menimbulkan iritasi dan nyeri bahkan jika ia telah melembabkannya sebelum dan sesudahnya.  Dapatkah Anda memberikan jalan keluarnya?   Misalnya, jika ia salat dengan tayyamum pada waktu salat dan kemudian salat dengan sekali wudu untuk seluruh salat dilakukan secara qadr pada saat Isya—apakah ini sah untuk situasi seperti ini?  Terima kasih dan semoga Allah memberkati Anda.

Alaykum salam,
Dalam kondisi seperti itu, ia boleh melakukan semua salatnya dengan tayammum, tanpa perlu mengqada.  Salatnya adalah sah dan diterima, insya Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

Awrad untuk Muharram

As-Salamu-Alaykum untuk semua.
Selain awrad untuk bulan Rajab, Syakban dan Ramadan, adakah awrad untuk bulan Muharam? JazakAllah.

Bismi-llāhi r-ramāni r-raīm:
Wa `alaykumu s-salāmu wa rahmatu l-lāhi wa barakātuh,

Amalan untuk bulan Muharam:
1. Diriwayatkan dari Ibn al-`Abbas (radhiy-Allāhu `anhu) bahwa Nabi (shall Allāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) bersabda, “Barang siapa yang berpuasa pada hari terakhir bulan Dzul Hijjah dan hari pertama bulan Muharam, ia telah menyempurnakan puasa yang setara dengan setahun penuh pada tahun sebelumnya, dan Allah memberinya pengampunan dosa selama 50 tahun.”

2. Diriwayatkan dari Anas (r) bahwa Nabi (s) bersabda, “Barang siapa yang berpuasa pada hari Jumat pertama bulan Muharam, Allah akan mengampuni dosa-dosa sebelumnya, dan barang siapa yang berpuasa tiga hari pertama di bulan Muharam, Kamis, Jumat dan Sabtu, Allah akan menuliskan baginya ibadah dan doa selama sembilan ratus [900] tahun.”

3. Diriwayatkan dari `A`isyah Umm al-Mu’minin (r). bahwa Nabi (shall Allāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) bersabda, “Barang siapa yang berpuasa pada sepuluh hari pertama hingga hari `Asyura, ia akan dikaruniai Surga Firdaus.”

4. Puasa pada hari `Asyura adalah Sunnah Mu’akkadah, yaitu yang sangat dianjurkan.  Ketika Nabi (s) melihat kaum Yahudi di Madinah berpuasa pada hari itu, beliau (s) bertanya untuk apa mereka berpuasa.  Mereka berkata bahwa itu adalah hari di mana Nabi Musa (a) memimpin Bani Isra`il dari kejaran Fir’aun.  Nabi (s) bersabda, “Aku mempunyai hak yang lebih tinggi terhadap Musa daripada kalian.”  Sehingga beliau (s) berpuasa pada hari itu dan memerintahkan hari itu untuk diperingati.  Ini adalah versi yang lebih panjang dari yang diriwayatkan oleh `A`isyah (r).

5. Nabi (shall Allāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) bersabda, “Barang siapa yang berpuasa pada hari `Asyura (10 Muharam), Allah akan menuliskan baginya seribu [1000] hajat dan seribu tahun umur, dan akan mengaruniakannya dengan ganjaran seribu syuhada, dan akan menuliskan baginya ganjaran yang diberikan pada Nabi Isma`il (a), dan menuliskan baginya tujuh [70] istana di Surga, dan menjadikan dagingnya haram bagi api neraka.”

6. Pada hadis lainnya Nabi (s) bersabda, “Barang siapa yang berpuasa pada hari `Asyura, ia akan dikaruniai ganjaran bagi seribu malaikat.  Dan barang siapa yang membaca “Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad” seribu [1000] kali pada hari `Asyura, Allah akan memandangnya dengan Pandangan Rahmat-Nya, dan akan menuliskan baginya termasuk golongan Shiddiqqin [orang-orang yang jujur].”

7. Dalam hadis lain, Nabi (s) bersabda, “Bedakan diri kalian dengan Yahudi dengan berpuasa sebelum hari `Asyura atau satu hari setelahnya.”

8. Barang siapa yang melakukan salat  sebanyak empat [4] rakaat pada hari `Asyura, di mana setelah Fatihah pada setiap rakaat dibaca “Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad” sebelas [11] kali, Allah akan mengampuni dosa-dosanya selama 50 tahun, dan akan membangunkan sebuah mimbar dari cahaya.  dan barang siapa yang melakukan mandi sunnah (ghusl) pada hari `Asyura ia tidak akan menderita penyakit pada tahun itu, kecuali penyakit berupa kematian, dan barang siapa yang memakai celak (kuhl) pada matanya di hari `Asyura ia tidak akan menderita sakit pada tahun tersebut.

9.  Doa `Asyura:
Bacalah 70x Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakiil ni’mal mawlaa wa ni’man Nashiir
lalu dibaca 7x doa berikut:
“Subĥaanallaahi mil-al miizaan wa muntahal ‘ilm wa mablagha r-ridhaa wa zinatal ‘arsy laa malja-a wa laa manjan minAllahi illaa ilayhi, Subĥaanallahi ‘adada s-syaf’i wal ‘arsy wa ‘adada kalimaati rabbina t-taammaati kullihaa. As-aluka s-salaamata biraĥmatika Yaa Arĥamar Raaĥimiin wa laa ĥawla wa laa quwwata illaa billahil ‘aliyyil ‘azhiim wa huwa ĥasbiy wa ni’mal wakiil ni’mal mawlaa wa ni’man nashiir wa shollallaahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin wa ‘alaa aalihi wa shaĥbihii ajma’iin”

10. Sekitar satu jam sebelum adzaan Maghrib memasuki  hari ‘Asyura (10 Muharam) duduk menghadap Qiblah, dan mulai menyempurnakan Adab Tarekat Harian, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan TAWASSUL dengan SAYYIDINA Al-HUSAYN dan SYUHADA’ KARBALAA, karena pada hari tersebut, telah syahid Sayyidi Syabaabi Ahlil Jannah [Penghulu Pemuda Ahli Surga] Imaamana wa Mawlaanaa cucu dari Sayyidil ‘Aalamayn Sayyidii Abii ‘Abdullah Al-Husayn beserta mereka yang menyertai beliau dari kalangan Sahabat maupun Tabi’iin, ridhwanullahi ‘alayhim ajma’iin.  Setelah berbuka puasa, hadiahkan berkah dan pahala puasa dan awrad harian kalian kepada Nabi (s) untuk samudra-samudra rahasia yang akan dibukakan pada tanggal 14 Muharam.

11. Muharam juga merupakan bulan yang sangat penting bagi Tarekat Naqsybandi.  Junnjungan dan Imam Tarekat kita Syah Naqsyband (qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah) dilahirkan pada tanggal 14 Muharam, sehingga tanggal ini menjadi penting dan para pengikut tarekat merayakan malam yang suci ini dengan Khatm dan Zikir, dan membaca Mawlid al-Nabi (shall Allāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) dan mendedikasikannya kepada Mawlana Syah Naqsyband, dan juga membaca kutipan-kutipan dari riwayat hidupnya.

12. Merupakan tradisi Mawlana Sultan al-Awliya’ Syekh `Abdullah ad-Daghistani (qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah) untuk mengorbankan 2 ekor domba pada hari `Asyura dan mendistribusikan dagingnya kepada fakir miskin dan orang-orang yang membutuhkan, khususnya dari para pengikut tarekat.   Beliau juga melakukan hal ini pada hari kelahiran Syah Naqsyband (qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah).

[Dikutip dari Al-Futuhat al-Haqqaniyyah oleh Syekh 'Adnan Kabbani]
Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui.


Peristiwa-Peristiwa yang terjadi pada Hari `Asyuuraa [10 Muharam]

1.      Dipilihnya Adam ‘alayhissalaam
2.      Diangkatnya Idriis ‘alayhissalaam
3.      Tertambatnya perahu Nuuh ‘alayhissalaam di bukit Juudiy
4.      Allah SWT menjadikan Ibrahiim sebagai Khaliil
5.      Diampuninya Daawuud ‘alayhissalaam
6.      Dikembalikannya kerajaan Sulayman ‘alayhissalam kepadanya
7.      Disembuhkannya Ayyub ‘alayhissalam dari penyakitnya
8.      Dikeluarkannya Yuunus ‘alayhissalam dari perut ikan setelah 40 hari di dalamnya
9.      Dikumpulkannya Ya’qub dengan Yuusuf  ‘alayhimassalaam setelah 40 tahun lamanya berpisah
10.  Dilahirkannya Sayyidina ‘Iisaa ‘alayhissalaam dan diangkatnya beliau ke langit
11.  Menikahnya Nabi Muhammad sallAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam dengan Sayyidatinaa Khadiijah radiyallahu ‘anhaa
12.  Allah SWT menciptakan lelangit dan bumi, qalam, dan Adam, serta Ĥawwaa’
13.  Berbolak-baliknya Ashabul Kahfi dalam tidurnya dari satu sisi ke sisi yang lain [satu hari yang terekstensi menjadi 300 tahun]

Surat yang Dibaca untuk Jenazah

As salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu,
Saya ingin tahu Surat apa yang dapat dibaca bersama Fatiha  bagi jenazah dan apa surat yang dapat dibaca ketika sedang berziarah dan berapa kali dibaca? 
JazakAllah Khayran.

Wa `Alaykum Salam,
Anda  bisa membaca Ya-Sin, bahkan sekali.  Jika Anda mau, Anda juga bisa membaca (ayat) Aaman ar-RasulAr-Rahman dan Al-Mulk.

Abdul Shakur

Doa ketika Sujud Terakhir dalam Salat Fardu

Assalam Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wa Barakathuhu.
Saya mempunyai kebiasaan di mana ketika melakukan salat sendirian saya berdoa pada saat sujud terakhir.  Beberapa teman saya mengatakan bahwa hal itu hanya diperbolehkan untuk salat nafiil, bukan fardu, mohon klarifikasinya.

Wa `Alaykum Salam,
Hal tersebut boleh saja, dan berdoa pada saat sujud terakhir adalah mustajab.  Tetapi hindari hal itu secara berlebihan jika Anda melakukan salat secara berjamaah, karena Anda harus mengikuti Imam. 

Abdul Shakur

Melewatkan Salat sejak Umur 9 Tahun

Assalamu Alikum,
Salah satu dari rekan kerja saya bertanya mengenai salat yang telah ia lewatkan sejak usia sepuluh tahun.  Ia menjadi akil balig sejak umur 9 tahun.  Orang tuanya tidak mengajarinya tentang rukun Islam dan sekarang ia ingin mengganti salat-salat yang telah dilewatkannya itu.  Ia tidak ingat berapa banyak salat yang telah ia lewatkan, bagaimana ia mengganti salat-salat tersebut?

Wa `alaykum salam,
Banyak ulama yang berpendapat bahwa orang yang telah melewatkan salat pada tahun-tahun yang telah lama berlalu tidak perlu meng-qada-nya.  Waktu bagi salat-salat tersebut sudah lewat sekarang.  Sebagai gantinya ia dapat bertobat dengan tulus, memohon ampunan Allah dan dengan banyak melakukan salat-salat nawafil (sunnah) sebanyak-banyaknya.

Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago
Majlis #1 Head Imam (IABNA)

Puasa Mutih

Dengan cinta dan hormat,
Bolehkah saya mengetahui apa manfaat dari puasa mutih (puasa seperti biasa tetapi sahur dan berbukanya hanya dengan nasi putih, air putih atau makanan lainnya yang berwarna putih dan tidak mempunyai rasa)?  Apakah boleh bagi seseorang melakukannya?  Berapa lama waktu yang baik untuk melaksanakannya? Terima kasih untuk jawabannya, semoga Allah memberkati kita di dunia dan akhirat... Salam..

`Alaykum Salam,
Tidak ada hal semacam itu di dalam sunnah Nabi (s), dan tidak pula saya pernah mendengar atau melihat para awliya melakukannya.  Di lain pihak sunnah merekomendasikan penyedap rasa seperti garam dan vinegar (sejenis cuka), dan Allah Maha Mengetahui.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

Yaa Syekh Madad

Aslaamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
Saya berdoa semoga Anda dan orang-orang yang Anda cintai senantiasa dalam kesehatan yang baik dan iman yang baik. Amin.

1) Dapatkah Anda memberi saya ijazah untuk membaca Dua e Saifi dan tolong berikan saya instruksinya secara umum, kapan dibaca dan berapa kali?
2) Saya merasa sulit untuk menghilangkan dunia dari kalbu saya.  Alhumdulillah, saya telah merendahkan pandangan saya dan tidak melihat TV dst, tetapi Setan masih menyerang saya.  Saya ingin tahu apakah ada sesuatu yang dapat dibaca agar saya terhindar dari pengaruh Setan? 
3) Saya mempunyai panglihatan yang lemah dan harus menemui seorang spesialis (mata), dapatkah Anda memberi saya doa, wazifa dll yang dapat say abaca untuk memperbaiki penglihatan saya, Insyallah?  Mohon doakan saya dan keluarga saya.  Jazakallah khairun

`Alaykum Salam,
Anda mempunyai ijazah untuk membacanya sekali seminggu atau berapa pun sesuai yang Anda inginkan.  Lihat pula di sini.  Mengenai dunia, bayangkan Mawlana Syekh Nazim (semoga Allah memberkati rahasianya) melihat Anda pada apa yang Anda lakukan dan ucapkan: ya Saayidi, madad.  Untuk memperbaiki penglihatan, ciumlah kuku ibu jari Anda lalu letakkan di kelopak mata setiap kali Nama Nabi (s) disebutkan di dalam adzan.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

Pendarahan ketika Hamil

Bolehkah kita salat ketika sedang hamil (2 bulan) tetapi mengalami pendarahan?

wa `alaykum salam,
Pendarahan yang umum ketika hamil dianggap bukan pendarahan seperti haid.  Anda boleh melakukan salat, tetapi Anda harus memperbarui wudu setiap kali sebelum melakukan salat.

Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago
Majlis #1 Head Imam (IABNA)

Fiqh Mengenai Jenazah



Almighty Allah states in the Glorious Quran:

"Every soul must taste Death". (Surah Aale Imraan: Verse 185)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) has stated: "Allah says, 'I have nothing to give but Paradise as a reward to my believer slave, who, if I cause his dear friend (or relative) to die, remains patient (and hopes for Allah's reward).'" (Abu Hurairah - Bukhari)

Death is something that everyone has to face. It is Sunnat-e-Mu'akkadah to remember death at all times. A Muslim must always be prepared for death. Death can come at anytime. When it is established that a person is in the last stages of his life, the following should be done:-

1.1 He or she should be made to lie facing the direction of the Qibla, lying on his or her right side. If this is not possible, then it is sufficient to let the person lie on his or her back with the face and soles of the feet facing the direction of Qibla.

1.2 When doing this, the person's head should be lifted slightly to allow the face to be directed towards the Qibla.

1.3 In the last moments, Surah Yaseen and the Tasbih "Laa ilaaha ilal laa" should be recited near the person continuously.

1.4 The Kalima should be read in front of him or her, but he or she should not be commanded to recite the Kalima.

1.5 If the dying person is a minor (Na Baaligh), and able to distinguish between right and wrong, then too, Kalima should be recited before him or her.

1.6 If the person speaks or makes any other Dhikr, then he or she should be reminded to recite the Kalima. This will ensure that the Kalima is his or her last words.

1.7 A person who is ill or who is dying should always be given hope that Almighty Allah is Most Merciful and Forgiving. They should be reminded to have faith in Almighty Allah at all times and that His infinite mercy will pardon all sins.

1.8 If a person shows despair or is not confident about the Mercy of Allah, then it is compulsory to give that person hope.


2.1 When a person passes away, his or her eyes should be closed immediately.

2.2 Tie a piece of cloth (material) from the chin to the head. This is to keep the mouth from remaining open.

2.3 Cover him or her with a sheet.

Make preparations for the Ghusl (Bath), Kaffan, Burial order, Janazah Salaah and the actual burial. These acts for the deceased are all "Fard-i-Kifaayah" (A compulsory action which is to be performed by all, however if a few persons perform these duties, then the responsibility is waived off the others. If these are not carried out by anyone, then all responsible are sinners).

All expenses for the deceased must be taken from the estate of the deceased. If the deceased did not have any such estate, then the responsibility is on his next of kin, eg. father, mother, sons, brothers, etc. If none of these relatives are available, or if they are too poor, then the expenses should come from the organisation responsible for the welfare of the community. If no such organisation is in existence, then every member of the congregation must contribute towards the expenses incurred to the best of their means.

The body of the deceased must be covered with a cloth (Sheet) before removing his or her clothing. Those people who remove the clothes, must be careful not to allow the Satr-i-Awrah (parts that are Fard to be covered - navel to knee for men, and from the neck to ankles for women) to be uncovered. After this has been done, proceed with the Ghusl of the deceased.


Before explaining the method of Ghusl, please take note of a few important Masaa'il (Islamic laws) relating to the deceased. These are:

3.1 Where there is a shortage of water for some reason or the other, wash the entire body of the deceased at least once.

3.2 When washing the back, the deceased should not be made to lie on the stomach, as this is prohibited.

3.3 The Niyyah (Intention) for the Ghusl should be read. The Niyyah must be recited when the water is being poured on the head.

3.3.1 The Niyyah for a male is:
Nawaytu an aghsila haadhal Mayyati

"I make Niyyah (intention) to bathe this deceased male"

3.3.2 The Niyyah for a female is:
Nawaytu an aghsila Hadhihil mayyata

"I make Niyyah (intention) to bathe this deceased female"

3.4 Only males are allowed to give the ghusl to a male, and females for the female deceased. However, if there are no men present, then the wife of the deceased may perform his Ghusl. If she is not present, then any other female relative (Mahram) may perform the Ghusl. If none of the Mahaarim are present then a non-Mahram (a non-relative women) should perform the Tayammum only and not the Ghusl. In such circumstances, the Tayammum is sufficient.

3.5 If there is no female to give Ghusl to the deceased of a female, then the very same law will apply. If no close female relative or women is available, then her husband, grandfather or brother may perform the Ghusl. If none of them are available, then only Tayammum should be performed by a non-Mahram male.


NB: Prepare enough luke warm water for the Ghusl.

4.1. The deceased must be made to lie on a raised platform in a closed room.

4.2 The first aspect of Ghusl is to perform the ISTINJA (removal of all internal and external Najaasat).

4.2.1 The deceased must be made to lie in such a manner, that the head is slightly tilted to the back.

4.2.2 The right hand should be placed behind the neck in such a manner, that the thumb supports the nape, so that the neck does not fall backwards completely.

4.2.3 The lower back should be supported by the right knee, and using the left hand, massage the stomach gently to release any impurities.

4.2.4 The deceased should then be made to lie flat.

4.2.5 A piece of material (doing the job of a glove) must be placed over the left hand of the person conducting the Ghusl.

4.2.6 Using the left hand in gloves (which must be wet, to allow the Najaasat to be cleaned out properly), wash any impurity of the private parts thoroughly.

4.2.7 If the Najaasat was not removed the first time, then a new cloth must be used to clean the impurities for the second time.

4.2.8 When performing the Ghusl, two persons must be responsible for washing the upper body, and one person for the lower body.

4.3 Now that the Istinja has been completed, WUDU (ablution) should be given to the deceased. First, make the Niyah which is as follows:

Nawaytul wudu'al masnoona li haadhal (haadhihil) mayyiti (mayyita)

"I make intention for Sunnat wudu for this deceased  male (female)".

4.4 Firstly, wash the body with soap and water to remove any dirt or external impurities.

4.5 Clean the teeth and the nasal passages (nostrils) with a soft wet cloth (or cotton wool).

4.6 After this has been done, the complete Wud`u must be given. Do not be put water into the mouth and the nostrils, since these parts have already been washed with the cotton wool.

4.7 The head and the right-hand side of the body must first be washed. The deceased must then be made to lie on the left-hand side, so that the back of the right-hand side can also be properly washed.

4.8 The deceased must then be turned onto the right-hand side, so that the back of the left-hand side is washed.

4.9 After washing with soap, water must be poured over the body in such a manner that all the soap is removed.

4.10 The actual Ghusl is when water is poured over the entire body. Water should be poured starting from the head, then onto the entire front of the body, followed by the right back portion and then the left back portion. It must be remembered that all portions must be washed thrice (3 times).

NOTE: It is wajib but not a rukn to avoid revealing/seeing the `awra (private parts) of the deceased even for those washing him/her (satr al-`awra). The washers should cover the body with a cloth and wash the private parts under the cloth.  i.e. the ghasl or ghusl is valid although a sin would be committed if the washer saw/touched the `awra without cover for the dead nor hand-cover for him/herself; and in the Hanafi madhhab it is only makruh for the secondary `awra and haram only for the primary i.e. between the navel and knees. And Allah knows best.

4.11 When complete Ghusl is performed, lastly throw camphor water on the entire body.

4.12 It is preferable to burn incense sticks (agarbati) or lobaan during the Istinja, and to pour much water over the body to avoid odour.

4.13 It must also be noted that the warm water used is not too hot as this will cause discomfort to the deceased.

Important Note: Those performing the Ghusl must refrain from publicizing any deformities or bad experiences of the deceased to others.


After the Ghusl has been completed, the body is dried with a clean towel. The Kaffan is now put on. One single sheet covering the entire body will accomplish the Fard of the Kaffan (in certain circumstances or crisis eg. war, etc.)

5.1 The complete Sunnah Kaffan for the male consists of the following 5 pieces:-

5.1.1 2 full sheets,

5.1.2 Izaar (covering from waste down),

5.1.3 Kafni (kurta), and

5.1.4 Amaama (Turban)

5.2 The complete Sunnah Kaffan for the female consists of:

5.2.1 Kurta (which covers the lower half of body as well),

5.2.2 Head Gear (Awrni) which covers the head and extends over the breasts, and

5.2.3 Three full sheets covering the entire body.

Note: Do not delay the Salaatul Janazah and Burial.


6.1 It is desirable to use dried lobaan (powder), camphor and sandal in the kaffan.

6.2 Likewise, Ittar can be put by means of cotton wool, but do not stain the Kaffan.

6.3 Both the hands of the deceased should be left on its sides. 6.4 When putting on the Kaffan, the Ghusl platform (tray) should be dried and the Izaar should be put on while the deceased is on the Ghusl platform.

6.5 After this, put two sheets on the floor and place the deceased on it.

6.6 After placing the Kaffan on the two sheets, the Kafni should be put on, followed by the Amaama (Turban) or headgear for the female.

6.7 When tying the Kaffan, the left of the sheet must be wrapped over to the right, and then the right of the sheet over to the left.

6.8 After the Kaffan has been tied, three straps of cloth must be tied around the deceased. One strap above the head, the second around the waist and the third below the feet. When the deceased is placed in the grave, only two straps should be opened. The strap on the waist should not be released.

Now that the Ghusl is performed and the Kaffan is tied, no time must be wasted as the Amanah (Deceased) is to be returned. Proceed for Salaatul Janazah and Burial.


As mentioned earlier, it is Fard-e-Kifaayah to perform the Salaatul Janazah. It is preferable for the lines of Salaatul Janazah to be in odd numbers, in other words 3,5,7 etc. The method of performing the Salaatul Janazah is as follows:-

STEP 1: The Imaam must stand facing the deceased. If it is a male, then the Imaam stands in line with the chest - for a female, in line with the waist.

Make the Niyah as follows :
Ussali farda salaatil janazahti alaa hadhal mayyati bi arba'a tabkbeeratin lil laahi ta'ala.

"I am reading Salaah on this deceased with four Takbeers, obligatroy, for Allah's sake."

Four Takbeers must be recited in the Janazah Salaah. In these Takbeers, both the hands should be lifted up to the shoulders (Rafa Yadain).

STEP 2: After the first Takbeer recite Surah Fateha:

Al humdu lil-lahi Rabbil `alameen ar-Rahman ir-Raheem Maaliki Yaumid-deen Iyyaka na'budu wa Iyyaka nasta'een
Ihdinas Siraatal Mustaqeem Siraatal ladhina an`amta `alaihim ghairil maghdubi `alaihim walad-daleen.

STEP 3: After the second Takbir, send salaat upon the Prophet (sall Allaahu alaihi wasallam). The best and most appropriate salaat is the one recited in prayers, namely, salaat-i-Ibrahimiyya:
Allahuma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa alaa aale
Sayyidina Muhammadin kama salayta alaa Sayyidina Ibrahima
wa ala aale Sayyidina Ibrahima wa baik allahuma ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala aale Sayyidina Muhammadin kama
barakta ala Sayyidina Ibrahima wa ala aale Sayyidina
Ibrahima Innaka hameedum-Majeed.

STEP 4: After the third Takbir, read the following D'uas:-

Allahum'maghfir lihayyina wa mayyitina wa shaahidina wa gha'ibina wa sahgeerina wa kabeerina wa dhakarina wa unthana Allahum'ma man ahyaytahu (ha) mina fa ahyahu (ha) `al al-Islam wa man tawaffaytahu (ha) minna fa tawaffahu (ha) `al al-Iman.

"O Allah! Forgive our living and our dead and our present and hidden and our elders and our children and forgive our men and women. O Allah! Those whom you keep alive from us, keep them alive on Islam and those from us whom you give death, give them death on Imaan. O Allah! Pardon him and have Mercy on him and Forgive him"

Allahumma ighfir lahu warhamhu wa `afihi wa 'afu `anhu wa
akrim nuzulahu wa was'a madkhalahu wa aghsilhu bil
ma'i wath thalji wal baradi wa naq'ihi minal khataaya
kama yunaq'qa thaubal abyadu min ad-danasi
wa abdilhu daaran khairam min daarihi wa ahlan khairam min ahlihi wa
zawjan khairam min zawjihi wa adkhil hul jannata wa
a'izhu min `adhab il-qabri wa fitnatihi wa min adhaab an-nar.

"O Allah! Forgive him, and have Mercy on him and keep him in protection and forgive him. Let his arrival into the grave be a very respectable one, and broaden his resting place, and cleanse him from his sins with water, snow and hail".

(This d'ua is found in the Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and is also narrated by Abu Bakr ibn Shaiba and Auf bin Malik radi Allahu anhuma)

STEP 5: After the fourth Takbir recite the following :
Allahuma la tahrimna ajrahu wa la taftinna ba'dahu
waghfir lana wa lahu warhamna ma`hu bi rahmatika
Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen.

"O Allah! Do not deprive us of his reward and after him, do not put us in fitna and pardon us and him and with him have Mercy upon us through your Mercy, O Most Merciful"

STEP 6: After reciting this D'ua, make the two Salaams. This will terminate the Salaat al-Janazah.

(Note: If the deceased is a female, then in place of "Hu" one must read "Ha" eg, "ighfir lahu" becomes "ighfir laha" and the suffix "ka" denoting possession will become "ki" eg, "Dinika" will become "Diniki")


There are seven arkaans (pillars) of Salaatul Janazah. They are:-

8.1 Niyyah

8.2 Four Takbeers

8.3 Qira`at (Sura Fatiha)

8.4 Salaat on the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)

8.5 D'ua for the deceased

8.6 First Salaam

8.7 Standing for those who can (in Salaatul Janazah)

9. WHO MUST BE THE IMAAM FOR Salaatul Janazah

The one most worthy of Imamat of Salaatul Janazah is the father of the deceased, then his grandfather and all those above him (great grandfather etc.) The person next most worthy is the son from both parents, then grandsons etc, then that son who is only from the father, and their sons, then the paternal uncles who are from both parents, then those only from the father, and then the nephews of the deceased, and then the paternal grandfather, mother etc. If two people worthy of Imamat are present, eg. two brothers or two uncles, then the one who is elder should be given this duty. It must be noted that at all times, I'lm-ad-Din and piety surpasses all ranks.


The Salaatul Janazah of a person who passed away outside the town is permissible in the Shafi'i Madhab. This is commonly known as Salaah of the Unseen or Salaatul Ghaa'ib. Those persons who are worthy of performing his or her Salaah during his or her death are the ones who should perform this Salaah. When performing the Salaatul Janazah of Ghaa'ib, instead of the words "`alaa hadhal mayyati" one must read, "`alal-mayyatil ghaa'ib".


In the case of a miscarriage which occurs before the child is four months old, the child must be wrapped in a cloth and buried. If the miscarriage occurred at four months or after this period, then it is compulsory to give Ghusl and Kaffan. If the child showed any signs of motion while in the womb of the mother, then Salaatul Janazah must also be performed.


A Shaheed is that person who is killed in defence of Islam against the Kuffar. The Martyr will neither be given Ghusl nor will Salaatul Janazah be read for him. This will also apply if he passed away in the state of Janabat. One who dies after the battle is not regarded as a Shaheed. The Shaheed must be covered with his clothes of Shahadah, even thought they be stained with blood


The grave should be dug deep enough so that no odour will emerge from it and no scavengers may enter the grave. It is Mustahab (desirable), to make the grave as wide as both hand lengths and that the depth of the grave should be that of the height of the deceased. Only males are allowed to enter the grave. Those more worthy of entering the grave are those who are worthy of performing the Janazah Salaah. It is best for the husband to lower his wife into the grave. It is not permissible to take the deceased from the city of demise to another city. However, if you are close to Makkatul Mukarramah, Madinatul Munawwarah or Baitul Muqqadas, then you should take the deceased there. If the deceased had made a Wasiyah (will) to be buried in another city, then this must not be carried out.

It is Haraam to exhume the body from the grave or to take the body elsewhere for any invalid reason. However, the grave can be opened for a valid reason, eg. if the person was buried without Ghusl or made to face another direction other than the Qibla, or if anything very important fell into the grave, or if the deceased was buried in a plot which was embezzled or if the person was given stolen Kaffan. In the above cases, it becomes compulsory to open the grave and make the necessary changes. All these can only be done if the body is in a good state.


14.1 The deceased must be brought as close as possible to the grave.

14.2 The head should be lowered into the grave followed by the feet, or otherwise the whole body at once.

14.3 While the body is being lowered into the grave, the following D'ua is recited:-

Bismillahi wa `ala millati Rasoolillaahi sall-Allahu alaihi wasallam.

"In the name of Allah and on the tradition of Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)".

14.4 The deceased must be made to lie on his or her right-hand side, so that the face and chest faces the Qibla.

14.5 A small amount of sand may be placed at the back to keep the body in place. A small amount of sand should also be place under the head.

14.6 The grave should then be closed with pieces of timber, and then covered (filled) with sand. While doing this, it is Sunnah to throw three handful of sand into the grave, reciting the following Ayah:-

1st hand:
Minhaa Khalaqnaakum
"Out of this earth we have created you".

2nd hand:
wa Feeha Nu`eedukum
"And into this earth we return you".

3rd hand:
wa min haa Nukhrijukum Taaratan Ukhra
"And out of this earth shall we raise you the second time".

14.7 It is Sunnah to sprinkle water over the grave after the burial. While sprinkling water, read:-
Saqa Allahu Sarahu (ha) wa Barrad-Allahu
Madja'ahu (ha) wa ja`l al-Jannata maswahu (ha)
"May Allah his dust and make his resting place cool
and make Jannah his home".


It is Mustahab (desirable) to comfort the family of the deceased. When comforting, say: "May Almighty Allah bless you greatly, and may He bless you with something in change of your sorrow and may Allah forgive the deceased". It is Mustahab for the neighbours to give food for one day and one night to the family.


Sawg means to abstain from decorating and beautifying oneself. It is compulsory for a women to be in Sawg during the Iddat period after the death of her husband. It is haraam to wear colourful clothing for adornment during Sawg. It is also not permissible to oil the hair, wear gold and other jewellery, use perfume or surma. It is permissible to use at night due to weakness of the eye but it must be removed before morning. Women are allowed to clean their house, make the beds, and comb their hair. When the Iddat has been completed, women can marry again. With the exception of the death of her husband, the wife is not allowed to make Sawg for more than three days. (Iddat period after death is three months, and after divorce is 4 months 10 days)


The Talqeen should be read at the grave of the deceased after everyone has left. Talqeen is recited to assist the deceased in the grave. It assists the deceased to answer the questions of the grave when facing Munkar and Nakeer the two Angels of the grave. The Talqeen should be read while sitting beside the grave and facing the direction of the Qibla.

17.1 First Talqeen

Laa ilaaha illallahu Muhammadur Rasoolullah. La ilaaha ill allahu Wahdahu la Shareeka lahu lahul Mulku wa lahul Hamdu Yuhyi wa Yumitu wa Huwa Hayyun Daaimun Qaa'imun Qaahirun Qaadirun Aadilun Faadilun Kaamilul laa Yanaamu wa laa Yamutu wa laa Yafutu wa la yahulu wa laa Yazulu Abadan Abada. Dhul-jalaali Wal Ikraam. Biyadihil Khairu wa Huwa `ala Kulli Shayyin Qadeer. Kullu Man `alaiha faaniw wa yabqa wajhu Rabika zuljalaali wal Ikraam. Kul'loo Nafsin Zaa'katul Mawti wa Innama tuwaf'fawna Ujoorakum Yaumal Qiyaamah. Fa man Zuhzihaa anin Naari wa udkhilal jannata faqad faaz. wa Mal Hayaatud Dunya Il'la Mata'ul Ghuroor. Minha Khalaqnaakum lil amali was sawaabi wa fee haa nueedukum lil qabri wat Turaabi wa min haa Nukhrijukum Taaratan Ukhra lil Ba si wal Hisaab.

"There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the Messenger of Allah. There is none worthy of worship but Allah, There is none equal to Him. The entire universe belongs to Him and all Praise is for Him. It is He who gives life and it is He who causes death and He is existing. He is from eternity. He is the one with Wrath and The powerful, He is Just, One who blesses and full of Perfection. He does not sleep and nor can He die. He can neither be changed or destroyed and there is no end to His existence. He will always be in existence, One who is full of wonders and splendour. Every soul will taste death and without any doubt, he will get his full share, (what is due to you) on the day of reckoning. Thus he who has been kept away from Hell and put into Heaven has been successful. And what is the life of this world except commodities of deception. We have created you from dust and we return you towards it in the grave and the sand and we will raise you from the same (earth) to answer for your deeds in the Hereafter".

17.2 Talqeen for Adult Male and Female

(Commence with the following words if the deceased is a male):
Ya Abdallahi Ya ibna Amatallaahi Udhkuril Ahdal lazi Kharajta
"O Servant of Allah! O son of the slave of Allah! Remember that pledge...."
(Commence with the following words if the deceased is a female):
Ya Ammatallaahi binta Haw'wa Udhkur il-Ahd alladhi Kharajti
"O Slave (female) of Allah! O daughter of Haw'wa!
Remember that pledge..... "

and continue with the following Talqeen:

`Alaihi min daar id-dunya ila daar il-akhirati. wa huwa shahaadatu Al laa ilaaha il-allahu wa An na Muhammadar Rasoolullahi wa annal-Jannata Haqqu wa an-nan Naaru Haqqu wa anna al-Mowtu Haqqu wa anna Munkar wan Naqeera Haqqun wa annas Su'ala Haqqun wa annal-Jawaaba Haqqun wa annal-Hisaaba Haqqun wa annal-Mizaana Haqqun wa annal-Ba`atha Haqqun wa annal-Hawda Haqqun wa annal-Qisausa Haqqun wa Annash Shafa ata Haqqun wa Annas Sirauta Haqqun wa annal-Hashra Haqqun wa Anna Rooyatallahi ta'aala fil jannati lil momineena Haqqun wa Annas Sa`ata atiyatun laa raiba Feeha wa ann-Allaaha Yab`athu man fil qubur. Al aana Ya Tiyaanikal (kil) malakaanil muwakalaani falaa yufziaka (ki) wa laa Ya`uaka (ki) wa laa Yurhibaka (ki) Fa innama huma khalqum min khalq illaahi fa idhaa sa'alaka (ki) `an Rabbika (ki) wa `an Nabbiyika (ki) wa `ani Deenika (ki) wa `an Qiblatika (ki) Faqul (Faqooli) lahumaa Allahu Rabbi wa Muhammadun Nabiyyi wal Islaamu Deeni wal Kaabatu Qiblati wal Quraanu Imaami wal Muminoona kulluhum Ikhwaani. Thabbataka(ki)-allaahu wa Iyy'ana wa Jami` al-Mu'mineena Bil qawl ith-thaabiti. Thabbat allaah-ulladhina Aamanu bil qawl ith-thaabiti fi dunya wal Aakhirah. wa Yudillullahudh-dhaalimeen. wa Yaf`alullaahu Ma Yasha'a. Ya Ayyatu-han Nafsul Mutma'ina-turji`ee ila Rabbiki Raadiyatam Mardiyya, Fadkhuli Fi `Ibaadi wa adkhuli Jannati. Allahumma ighfirli Ahlil Quboori minal mu'mineena wal mu'minaat wal Muslimeena wal muslimaat. Wa `jal-illahumma fi Quburihim ud-Diya'a Wan Nura Wal-Maghfirata `alaa Ahlil Quburi Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Raahimeen"

pledge.... "with which you have left the abode of the world for the abode of the Hereafter and which is testimony to this, that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and without any doubt Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is His Messenger and without doubt, Jannat, Jahannum, death, Munkar and Nakeer, Questioning of the grave, Answering in the grave, Answering for your deeds, The Mizaan (scale), to be raised again, to repay (for your sins), intercession, Siraat (The bridge), the Day of Reckoning and the seeing of Almighty Allah for the believers in Jannat are all Haq (True), and it is a reality that Qiyamah will come, and there is not doubt in it. Without any doubt, Allah will raise those who are in their graves. Very soon the two appointed Angels of the grave will come to you, then they should not alarm you and they should not frighten you nor put fear into you, Without doubt, even both of them, are the servants of Allah. When they question you concerning, Your Allah, and Your Nabi, and your Religion, and Your Qibla, then you say to them, Allah Almighty is my Lord, and Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is my Nabi and Islam is my religion and the Holy Kaaba is my Qibla, and the Quran is my guide, and all the believers are my brothers. May Almighty Allah keep you and I, and all the believers' established on the words of firmness. Almighty Allah will keep all the believers steadfast on the words of steadfastness in this world and in the Hereafter, and Almighty Allah will drive away the oppressors. Allah does as He pleases. O peaceful soul! return towards your Creator. Happily and with pleasure, join the register of my servants and enter my Jannat. O Allah pardon the dwellers of the grave who are Muslim men and Muslim women, and believing men and believing women and O Allah establish light and brightness on their graves and forgive the dwellers of the grave through your Mercy, O Most Merciful".

17.3 Talqeen for a Male and Female Child

Bismillahir Rahmaan nir Raheem la ilaaha illal laahu Muhammadur Rasoolullah. La ilaaha ill -allahu wahdahu la shareeka lah lahul mulku wa lahul hamd yuhi wa yumeetu wa Huwa Hayyun Daa'imun Qaa'imun Qaahirun Qaadirun `Adilun Faadilun Kaamilul laa Yanaamu wa Laa yamutu wa yahoolu wa laa yazulu abadan abada. Dhul Jalaali wal Ikraami biyadihil khairu wa huwa `alaa kulli shayyin Qadeer. Allahumma wa haadhat-tiflul ladhi lam yablugh il-ahlaama wa lam yajri `alaihil aqlaamu wa lam yaksib il-khataaya wal aathaam. Khalaqtahu (ha) bi rahmatika wa tawafaytahu (ha) bi iraadatika wa huwa (hiya) min `ibaadik as-saaliheen. Allahum `ajalhu (ha) li-waalidayhi (ha) fartan wa zukhra wa `izzatan wa I'tibaaran wasalafan wa shafee'an wa thaqqil bihi (ha) mawaazinahuma wa afrigh is-sabra `alaa quloobihima wa laa taftin huma ba'dahu (ha) wal laa tahrimhuma ajrahu (ha) bi Rahmatika ya Arhamar Raahimeen.

"Allah in the name of, The Compassionate Most Merciful. There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is the Messenger of Allah. There is none worthy of worship except Allah, and He is One. There is none equal to him. Everything belongs to Him and all Praise is for Him. He who gives life and causes death. He is existing. Forever existing. He is the powerful, the One who gives punishment. He is full of Perfection. He does not feel sleep, He cannot be destroyed, nor can He be changed and there is no end for Him. He will always be existing. He is the one who is full of Miracles and Wrath. In his power is benefit and He has control over everything. O Allah, This child is such, that he did not reach maturity and the pen (of Hisaab) has not been applied on him, and no errors and sins have been made by him. You have created him with Your Mercy and You have given him death with Your Judgement, and he is from Your pious servants. O Allah, You make him a means, a treasure, advice, comforter and intercessor unto his parents. And give weight to their scales (mizaan) on his behalf and give patience in their hearts, and do not allow them into any sedition and do not deprive them of his reward via your Mercy, O Most Merciful".


It is Mustahab (desirable) for the men to visit the grave. It is sunnah to visit the graves of relatives especially the graves of one's parents, even though they be far away. It more excellent to visit the graves on Fridays. The manner and ethics of visiting the graves is that the person going to the graveyard should be in a state of Taharah (cleanliness). When proceeding towards the graveyard, one should be engrossed in dhikr and Tilawah. One should remove his shoes outside the graveyard. One should stand at the leg-side, and not the head-side of the grave. When entering the grave one should read the following:

As Salaamu Alaikum daara qaumim mu'mineena wa innaa Inshaa Allahu bikum laahiqoon. Nas'al-ullahu lana wa lakum ul-`aafiyata. Allahuma la tahrimnaa ajrahum wa laa taftinna ba'dahum waghfir lana wa lahum war-hamna ma`ahum.

"Peace be upon you, O dwellers of the grave, Group of  believers and if Allah wins, then very soon we will unite with you. We pray to Almighty Allah for our and your harmony.  O Allah do not deprive us from his reward and after him, do not test us and forgive all of us and all of them and with them, have Mercy on us".

The person should then sit towards the face of the deceased, recite the verses of the Quran and make D'ua-i-Maghfirah with both hands lifted towards the sky. It is also permissible and a means of great Thawaab to make Ziyaarah to the graves of the Awliya Allah.


1. ARKAANUS SALAAH SHAFI'I, Muhammad Ibrahim Wazir Mia Rumaanul Qadri

2. FIQH-E-MAKHDOOMI, Qutb-e-Kokan, Hazrat Makhdoom Maahimi (radi Allahu anhu)

3. I'AANATUT TAALIBEEN, As Sayyid Abi Bakr

4. KITAABUL UMM, Imam Shafi'i (radi Allahu anhu)

5. SHAFA'I BAHISHTI ZEWAR, Mawlana Muhammad Ismat

Compiled by the Imam Ahmed Raza Academy South Africa